Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Its been a really frustrating couple of weeks. I feel like there is just one thing after another and its so discouraging. My health has not been so great lately. I had to have moles removed because they looked like skin cancer. Then I started throwing up. Then my mole wounds got infected. And just last night, my asthma flared up and I had to go to the ER. (And I haven't had problems with asthma in years). I'm feeling really discouraged. Through out my life I have had a lot of health problems. Random stuff too. I was always labeled as "that girl who's always sick." Even when I was engaged to Isaac, people would tell him, "Don't marry her. She will always be sick." I'm so glad that Isaac never listened to any of them and his response was always, "What kind of god to you serve? Because the God I serve isn't looking at these circumstances. And the God I serve is bigger than any of the sickness." Isaac's really been insturmental in helping me when I've felt sick. And honestly, its been a while since I've been really sick. I really thought that my days of always having something wrong were over. I thought I had beaten it. It had been about a year since I had really been sick. I mean everyone gets a headache here and there and lots of girls have some monthly pain and thats normal. But I didn't have anything wrong that really needed medical attention. Then this past semester I got a double ear infection that put me out of work and school for a few days. A few months later the skin cancer scare happened. A few days later my wounds got infected. A few days later I started throwing up and that leaves me here today- chest pains and trouble breathing. Seriously! This is so frustration. I mean I'm trying so hard to push through everything, but how do I get past this. And how in the world do I pay these medical bills? Should I not go to a hospital when I stop breathing? I don't know. I don't even really know what I'm trying to say. I'm just frustrated. I thought this was over. Now, I sit here in fear that once again I will be labeled as "That girl who's always sick." I hate that label. I just want to be normal

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