Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Best Question Ever

I'm reading a new book called "The best Question Ever" It's really amazing. I'm only 4 chapters in and I love it. But, this book is ruining my life. Seriously. The best questions ever is "What is the wise thing to do?" I hate having to ask myself this question. When I ask this question, I have to face the fact that many things I want to do are just not wise and therefore I should not do them. For example. I like eating fast food, but when I ask myself if it is wise to eat fast food, the answer is no. It's not wise for my health and it's not wise for my finances. If I go ahead and eat fast food anyway, I have just made myself a fool. This book and the small group I am going to be a part of is going to require me to make some serious life changes and is also going to require me to really think through things that I want to do. Really, a lot of things that I want to do aren't classified as sin. But there are tons of things I want to do that wouldn't be very wise. Having to think about your actions is so not fun. For example, I saw a purse I like. I would love to buy it. It costs $100. Being that I have medical bills and credit card bills, it would probably not be wise to buy it, and therefore I should not. It's not fun to have to think twice about things. Somtimes its just more fun to be the fool.

But I don't want to be a fool. I have some changes that need to be made to my lifestyle and although they may not be fun now and although I may not get what I want, I know that it is what will be best for me. I'm young. I've got a great opportunity to do things right. I plan on taking that opportunity. I haven't started attending my small group yet and I haven't gotten that far into the book, but I've already made a few decisions that I need to stick by:

I am cutting up all my credit cards.
I will put as much as I can each paycheck towards paying off my credit cards
I will not eat fast food
I will change my diet and eat healthier
I will excercise
I will set up payment plans for my medical bills
I will add to my savings account each pay period

These are just a few things that came into my head as I was reading. I'm sure as I go deeper into this study there will be many more things that I can add to the list. One thing I know for sure, in order to keep from being a fool, I will always ask, "Is this the wise thing to do."

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