Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All Tangled Up

Today I went to my moms house for dinner and as usual I brought my dog, Noelle, with me. Noelle is a tiny 5lb yorkie. She is a little diva, and I love her. She's more than just a pet. She my baby. However, there are times when my little Noelle drives me completely insane. Today was one of those days. After dinner, I put Noelle's leash on, walked her to the car and put her in. Immediately she climbes underneath the dash board from the passenger side to the driver's side on the floor. No matter how many times I tell this dog, she still thinks she can drive. She did all this while her leash was still on, so needless to say, she got a bit tangles. I managed to get her out from by my feet and put her back on the passanger's side and told her to stay. She jumped on the floor and stayed there. It was about a 5 minute drive home and somehow by the time we it home, she managed to get her leash completely tangled around her paws. She couldn't even jump up onto the seat. I grabbed her and tried to get her untangled, but the more I tried to untangle her, the more she fought me. I found myself sitting in my car, thunk and lightning around me, arguing wit a dog trying to get her to relax so I could untangle her paws. The more she fought me and tried to wrestle her way out, the more tangled she got and the more difficult she made it for me to untangle her. After Agnew minutes of fighting with my diva dog, I finally got her untangled and literally yelled at her "don't you reliaze that I can see what I'm doing and if you would just stop fighting me I could untangle you much quicker?" It was at that point that I realized that God even uses tiny, spoiled rotten, pain in the butt, diva dogs to teach us something. Sometimes we get ourself all tangled up. We can be tangled up in sin, in fears or worry, in hopelessness, in uncertainty and tons of other things. Many times we have no clue how we even got to the place we are in, but we have to learn to recognize one thing-God can see much better than we can and he can get us unstuck. Sometimes in the midst of fear, worry, anxiet, sin, uncertainy etc we get so worked up in trying to "get ourselves out" that we actually end up fighting against God who sees perfectly and knows exactly what needs to be done to get us untangle. I'm reminded of the verse "Be still and know that I am God"-Psalm 46:10. There are times in our lives when God is saying "Just be still. Stop fighting me. Stop trying to figure things out. Just trust me and let me get you untangled." In those times, we may not need to panic and try to get ourselves untangles, we just need to be still, and trust in God who knows perfectly. There are many times in my life when my first reaction is to panic. Whether I find myself in a difficult situation, overwhelmed with life or struggling with sin- my reaction is usually panic and frantically trying to figure out how to fix it. Sometimes it take a tiny little diva of a dog for me to realize that if life has me all tangled up- I just need to be still and let God untangle things.

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