"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"
- Philippians 3:13-14
This is one verse that I know I need to put into practice in my life. I have a tendancy to always bring up the past and that is a major hinderance in my life. God tells us to put the past behind us. I was thinking about it and the past is everything that is not happening right now or in the future. The past is a year ago, a month ago, a week ago, a day ago, even an hour ago. I'm not saying that I should ignore things from the past that are still going on right now, but there are some things that I just need to let go of. I had a little bit of a bad week and usually when that happens, I just dwell on it and let it effect me and replay everything in my head thinking, "Man I'm such a loser, I can't get things right." I really don't think I should be thinking like that. Every day that I wake up is a new day that God has given me to do things right, to seek after him, to eat healthy, to say no to using the credit card, to make wise choices. I'm tired of always dwelling on every little mistake I make or every time things don't go as I planned. I think I need to take each day and put my best foward and if things don't go right, then I need to just ask God to help me deal with that and keep moving foward. I'm really tired of being stuck in the past. It's kind of exhausting.